
The birth of our brand is based on the founding years of our company. Brand Our greatest spiritual value, corporate identity, labor and sensitivity are our big gains.

With our brand of Çalıkoğlu engraving in memory with Gemlik Olive, we meet our consumers with varieties of olives in dozens of different packaging and weights and different types of jams.

Olives want labor, sacrifices, patience. With our brand of Çalıkoğlu, we have been working enthusiastically to offer the most natural and the most delicious of olive to your table for 20 years.

Strong brand = Strong corporate belief gives importance to our brand, we guarantee the quality of all products we produce.

With the slogan “fertile flavor that comes with grains,” our traditional tastes, which are the important place in our lives, appeal to our consumers at any age.

We take full notes on naturalness and flavor of our consumers with our products and strive to gain appreciation of our customers.

The interest, confidence and preference of our customers and consumers, brands and products makes us stronger and more motivated. We work decisively to provide a better service to our consumers with new products every passing time.

Click here for Çalıkoğlu products.